Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It's National Running Day and Reasons I Run!

The first day of summer break and National Running Day have conveniently collided in my world for possibly the BEST DAY EVER!

Today I am going for a run without a mileage or time goal.  I will run until I am starting to get tired, and then run back.

In honor of National Running Day, I have complied a list of the reasons I run.

1. It keeps me sane.

2. Running makes me feel good about myself.

3. Running makes you smarter.

4. I love to eat.  Running allows me to eat more.

5. Running is something that I am always improving at.  It is so rewarding seeing your hard work pay off in faster finishing times.  Runs that were once hard become easier.

6. Running makes me appreciate nature more.  Being surrounded by plants and wildlife just reminds you of how wonderful the world really it.

7. Running is quality thinking time.  I can't even count how many times I've thought through papers in college and graduate school.  It also helps me to organize my thoughts and decrease my anxiety when I have a lot on my plate.

8. Running has improved my sleep.  I find when I run I fall asleep easier when it is time for bed.

9.  I never thought I could ever be a runner.  It is something I've had to work hard for and that makes me appreciate it even more.

10. Running makes me happy.  My life would be incomplete without it.

What are the reasons you run?

What are you doing for National Running Day?

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate to using running as a time to get some quality thinking done. I also think I sleep better on days when I run too!
