Monday, June 15, 2015

Motivation Monday: 6/15

We had a crazy busy weekend and I'm glad it's Monday.  Time seems to slow a little on weekdays versus weekends and right now I am happy because of it.

Today I am planning on getting a run in between doing work around the house.  Having time off this summer means I can FINALLY work on painting the walls in our home.  We've been here 2.5 years and still have stark white walls.  I finished the powder room and now have our bedroom to tackle this week.



Happy Monday!


  1. Oooh, any fun colors or designs you're painting!?

    1. We did navy in the powder room and we're putting a grey on the walls in the bedroom. Nothing crazy. We're just glad to not look at white anymore.

    2. I don't blame you. White walls can be so... clinical haha. Navy and grey seem nice and relaxing!

  2. I love grey walls!! That will look so nice!!

    1. I hope so! I can't wait to get it all finished!

  3. It sounds like my weekend! It was so busy (I work in retail so weekends are normally work days for me). Then I had other events on top of that too! I'm hoping for a more relaxing week though.

    I'm glad I found your blog, Meghan! I really enjoy your writing style!

    1. Thanks Hollie! It's funny, my husband always gives me a hard time for what he calls my "matter of fact" style of writing. Thanks for stopping by!
