Monday, October 12, 2015

Motivation Monday and the Weekly Rundown

45 minute spin class and chest and back exercises.

Short walk on the treadmill followed by 20 minutes Yin yoga.

My three part run!

8.25 solo miles
3 miles with Peyton 

1 mile cool down walk with Augie.  20 minutes Yin yoga to round out the day!


Off!  We had friends over for the Cubs game instead!

A solo half marathon!

13.1 miles


18 miles

This was my longest run since May!

Total Miles: 42.35 miles
Strength Training: 1x
Spin: 1x
Yoga: 2x

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Runday

First off, congrats to all the Chicago Marathon runners!  I watched the first 15 minutes of the race on tv and I got goosebumps just thinking about being there!

I had my own rage run/ pity party of one this weekend.  I attempted to fill my Chicago Marathon void with lots of running.

I think it helped.

Saturday's run was meant to be a medium distance shake-out run.  I was aiming for about 10 miles.  I got to my 5 mile turn around, and decided to keep going.  The shake-out pace turned into a tempo pace. 

13.1 miles

 When in doubt, run it out. 

And run hard.

This shirt didn't hurt either.

This run was without fuel and only on 2 cups of coffee.  This seemed like the appropriate sized smoothie when I got home.

Welcome back Sunday Runday!

I had a mile goal for today's run, but after running a quick solo half marathon yesterday, I wasn't sure what to expect.  I left the house with a positive attitude.  I somehow managed to convince myself that 18 miles isn't that far.  Whatever you say brain.

The first 6 miles were relatively easy.  I took my first Shotbloks at mile 5 and stopped for water at mile 4 and mile 6.

The second set of 6 were tough.  My hamstrings were starting to feel the mileage.  I took my Shotblocks at mile 10 and tried to settle into my pace.

The last 6 miles went by the fastest.  I made my last water stop at my 12 and took my last Shotbloks at mile 15.

18 miles

How were your runs this weekend?

Who ran Chicago? Tell me all about it!


Friday, October 9, 2015

Chicago Marathon Tips

With the Chicago Marathon in less than a week, I am feeling more and more jealous of all the runners that made it into the lottery this year.  The Chicago Marathon was founded in 1977 and has had over a half a million runners cross its finish line!  The Chicago Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors.  It is a sought after race due to its flat, fast course.


After finishing Chicago three times, I consider myself somewhat of a veteran to the course and it's quirks.  Here are my favorite tips for running (and enjoying) the Chicago Marathon!

Get there early.  Getting to Grant Park can take some time.  It also takes longer to get inside the starting corrals since the heightened security following the Boston Marathon bombing.  Once you're there, make your bathroom stop and warm up a little.  The corrals get crowded quickly, so make sure you find your spot before you have to fight the masses.

Slow down! In my opinion, this is the most important piece of advice for this race.  The race starts in Grant Park and runs through the Loop with insane amounts of spectators.  The rush of adrenalin and the noise of the crowds can make you want to go faster than you had planned to.  Remember: You still have 20+ miles to go!

Stop weaving in and out! This race is huge with 40,000+ runners.  Yes, you will have people around you. The whole time.  The first half of the race is jam-packed with runners.  In my opinion, the second half of the Chicago Marathon is the best time to start passing people and going around slow runners.  Just be sure to give them a heads up you're coming.  I can't even count how many times I've bumped into or been bumped by others.

Look up and look around you!  The city of Chicago is gorgeous with lots of unique architecture and sights to see (in my non-biased opinion :))

Follow this blue line.  The city marks the shortest path to take on marathon day.  How cool is that?

Be prepared for what I like to call the concrete jungle.  Following Chinatown at mile 21, runners head through a less busy section of the city near highways.  This section of the race can be mentally draining.  For me, this is the section that I have to fight the urge to walk and to keep up my pace.  Hang in there! Mile 25 puts you back on the path towards the Loop and almost at the finish line!

Ride the crowd and the loud cheers on Michigan Ave. towards the finish line.  Hang tough for Chicago's only hill at Mile 26 (it's small, but feel massive when you've already finished 26 miles).  Congrats! You have completed one the largest marathons and one of the World Marathon Majors!

I hope all the new Chicago Marathon runners fall in love with this race as much as I did. (but not too much love because I would like to get into the lottery next year, thank you very much)

For more good information regarding this race,  this article is a great guide to what runners can expect at each mile of the marathon.

Have you run a World Marathon Major race before? Which one?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Three Part Run

First, some randomness for Thursday....

Most importantly, CUBS WIN! We won our wild card game against the Pirates and are off to face the Cardinals in the playoffs!

Fall is upon us!  And it's really freaking pretty.

Jenga was the game of choice today for my occupational therapy kiddos.

 Augie likes to watch while I use the treadmill.

 I'm onto the next race following the Fox Valley Half Marathon.  I will be running the Naperville Half Marathon on November 8!

Speaking of the Fox Valley Half Marathon, I have yet to remove my timing chip from my shoe.

 And now to yesterday's three part run.

We've had good running weather around here lately.  I was able to leave work a little early and I got ready to run as soon as I got home.  I flew through 8 miles.  Isn't it funny how one day running can be miserable and the next it's effortless? 

8.25 miles

Part one of my run was easy breezy.

I got home, picked up Peyton, and I was off again for part 2.  If I thought I was flying before, Peyton changed that perception.  

3 miles

Seriously? 3 sub-7 minute miles AFTER running 8 miles?

That little 20 pound dog is insanely fast.  If anyone is looking to do some speedwork  Peyton would love to join in.

Part three was my cool down (finally) thanks to Augie who, instead of running with Peyton's focus, chews on her leash instead.

And they are done for the night.

Tell me something from your Thursday!

Do you run with your dog?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Motivation

Can you believe it's Monday again?

I took most of last week off of running.  I was feeling burnt out and was very unhappy anytime I attempted to start a run.  My exercise was walking the dogs and 14 miles total running for the week.  The is my lowest weekly mileage since May following the Chicagoland Spring Marathon and I am absolutely ok with that!

My body needed a break so I took one.

This week I will be back at it starting with my favorite spin class and back and chest routine!

Happy Monday!