Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Rambles

Puppy energy has been very high lately.  Peyton and Augie have needed lots of play time in the house, walks, and dog park visits.  I hope the energy decreases before it's cold and snowing.

This weekend is looking awesome weather wise! I can't wait til Sunday!

I'm  99% committed to my next race this fall.  Fall running is my favorite so I'm excited to have something to train for.  Details are to come post Fox Valley Half Marathon.  Let's not forget that race! ;)

This Buzzfeed post is my favorite: 18 Adorable Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall

Who is ready for the weekend?

Tell me something random about your Thursday!


  1. I am ready for fall races too. It will be so nice not sweltering and dying from heat. Those puppies are so cute, I got a new book today, The Beauty Detox Power

    1. Sounds like an interesting book! Yay for fall!

  2. I've been taking Sheldon for loads of walks recently, but I don't think I have any chance of his energy levels dropping by the time it gets cold/ wet/ windy.. The weather in Ireland is nice at the minute, but I'm not looking forward to 5 am walks when winter starts to arrive.. Love the dog in boots ha.. How long is it until your race?
