Sunday, September 20, 2015

You Guys. I Ran a Half Marathon This Morning.

This race is officially on my favorites list.

Unofficial time was 1:43:06.

This was a massive 15 minute PR from my last race of 1:58:XX

And when I say unofficial it really is because I forgot my time chip this morning.  After a brief panic I was able to get a new bib, but my time will not appear for 48-72 hours.

Whomp Whomp.

Did you race today?

How was your run?

Are you watching football? What team do you cheer for?


  1. Congratulations on that time

    Yesterday the weather was perfect for a long run. I love fall in Illinois.

    Unfortunately I am a Bears fan and the less said about yesterday's game the better.

    GO CUBS!! have a great week.

    1. Thank you Tim! The Bears are just going to have an awful year. I'm calling 2 wins. At most. The Cubbies are looking good though! The hubby was at yesterday's game and I watched it on tv (after switching from the Bears).

  2. Congrats on your PR! I ran the Montreal RnR Sunday but was bummed to not PR but the race still went well.

    1. That's great to hear! I'm on my way over to read about it!
