Saturday, August 8, 2015

In Running News....

Your weekly dose of running news!

Liliya Shobukhova was stripped of three Chicago and one London title due to doping.  Her pesonal record of 2:18:20, second fastest behind Paula Radcliffe and which won the Chicago Marathon in 2011, will be removed.  She is currently banned until March 23, 2016.

An Austin woman wants to make catcalling ticketable.  Anna Alridge has been followed down the street on her runs by a catcaller and wants to at least create awareness within the Austin Police Department for street harassment.

This 9 year old is running a marathon in memory of his father who passed away when he was three.  Alfie is raising money for a bereavement charity, Winston's Wish, while running the race with his stepfather.

Elite runners were dropped from the Athens Marathon due to the economic difficulties currently faced in Greece.  That gives us mortals a chance to win it, right?

Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Alan Arkin shoot a running scene from the new movie Going in Style

I'm pretty sure this happened.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of ticketing catcalling. I hate when people say to take it as a compliment. And while usually all it is just an annoyance there have been a few times where it makes me actually feel unsafe.

    And that's awesome a 9 year old is doing a marathon. While it makes me a little nervous since it's so hard on the body I think it's great to get kids into running. My last half, I was running next to an 11 year old girl and I asked if she had run a half before and she casually said "yeah, this is like my 8th." I was in disbelief and felt like a bit of a slacker.
