Monday, August 17, 2015

Motivation Monday and Our Trip to San Fransisco

Last week was a complete whirlwind. 

My cousin passed away last Sunday morning and between the wake, funeral and our San Fransisco trip, there was barely time left for running.

I postponed my flight out until Thursday morning leaving 3 days to jam in as much San Fransisco as we could.

Thursday night we had tickets to see the Giants play the Nationals. 

AT&T park is gorgeous and located on the water.

We also visited our friend's work where they had Happy Hour and Indian street food.  How cool is that? He is able to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at work, and they also have a gym for the employees to use!

Friday we took a tour to Sonoma and Napa Valley.  Our first stop was at the Golden Gate Bridge for pictures.

Our tour took us to two wineries in Sonoma and one in Napa.

Chris and I joined the wine club at Nicholson Ranch.  We are anxiously awaiting our six bottle shipment coming in September!

I love wine.

Friday night we ate at the Franciscan Crab Restaurant.

We ordered a couple of appetizers and then split two crabs between three people.  Whenever we are by the coast we like to eat the fresh and local seafood.  Fresh seafood from the coast > Midwest Seafood.

Saturday we spent the day in Muir Woods hiking through the Redwoods. 

When you're not able to run, hiking is the next best thing.


We arrived home yesterday around 6 pm and I fell asleep on the couch before 8 am.  Apparently this past week really knocked me out.

Today was my first day back at school and the students return Wednesday!  Seriously, where has the time gone?

How was your Monday?

Have you ever been to San Fransisco?


  1. Monday was good! Biked to and from work, so about 19 miles overall. Work was relatively easy, just a whooooole lot of phone calls and appointment scheduling. tomorrow is a lot of documentation and paperwork, wednesday and thursday will be meeting with clients, and friday is more paperwork! eee!

    I LOVE San Francisco, and the whole drive up the coast or inland from LA to get there! Stopping in Solvang, San Luis Opispo, Los Olivos, all sorts of farmers markets and cute little shops... and SF is just amazing. I have a 50 miler in Muir Woods in December! Nervous, but excited :)

    1. A 50 miler in Muir Woods is going to be awesome but very tough! I can't wait to read about it!

      It sounds like you have a very busy week ahead of you!

  2. My Monday was great. I was still in Philly for a long weekend and got 0 running in. But that's okay, I needed a vacation. I haven't been to San Fran but would like to. Looks like you had fun.

    1. Sometimes it's worth it just to take a city in and forget the running. I also did 0 running in San Fran but we walked everywhere so I think it balanced out. :)

  3. I really enjoy crabs myself. I'm glad you had a great time last weekend. It looks amazing and it makes me wish I lived near more parks and trails!

    1. Yes, me too! I would give anything to actually live near varying terrain. The Midwest is so flat and boring!
