Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dog Blogger and Preparing For My Long Run

Whenever I sit down to start my next blog post or visit other's blogs, Peyton decides she needs to sit on my lap.  

I think she's a natural when it comes to blogging.

Today's run flew by and I was done before I even knew it.  I must have had a lot on my mind between planning for my treatments with my students for the rest of the week and thinking about this weekend's long run.

8 miles

Sunday I run my longest run of this training plan and second longest of the overall.  22 miles.  Whenever I'm training for a marathon I have a hard time wrapping my head around 20 miles let alone 22.  I've been having a really good training cycle so far, so I'm hoping for the best on Sunday.

I've been researching some articles regarding the marathon long training run. This one is one of my favorites.  McMillan talks about the two different types of long runs: the slow and steady and the fast finish.  He recommends running your 20-22 mile run 3-4 weeks prior to your marathon.  This is spot on for me as my race is a month from Friday!

On a side note, today was a great mail day!  I ordered my favorite protein powder and received a blender bottle and protein powder samples for free!  Thanks Amazon!

Also, during my 18 miler a few weeks ago I had accidentally butt-ordered chia seeds through Groupon Goods.  4 pounds of chia seeds to be exact.  And they wouldn't let me cancel the order.  So those came in today as well...

So there's that....

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